Rafaele Carpino sources Mauro Giuliani guitar works

Mauro Giuliani was the pre-eminent guitar virtuoso of the early 19th Century. And, as was the practice, virtually all of his compositions were for his instrument.

This release features six works, four of which in Giuliani's favorite form -- theme and variations.

Guitarist Rafaele Carpino is also a historiographer of the instrument. For this recording, he uses the first edition scores of the music.

That's important because Giuliani's music has been tweaked by different editors over the centuries. One of the significant differences here is that Carpino observes all of Giuliani's notated reprises.

Yes, it does lengthen the works. But it also changes their shape. The reprises bring the listener back home to the theme after the wide-ranging voyages of Giuliani's variations.

Carpino performs with precision and taste. His phrasing is elegant and often helps the listener follow the often-obscured melody.
A beautiful recording with a fresh take on familiar music.

Mauro Giuliani: Guitar Works
Rafaele Carpino, guitar
Tactus TC 780704

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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