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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

Daniel Gortler Debuts With Favorites
Gortier's put together an enjoyable program and a well-executed one.

Kleinknecht Trio Sonatas Epitomize Style Galant
The Ensemble La Contonnade performs with warmth and sensitivity. Their relaxed interpretations seem spot on. This was music for an evening's entertainment. And entertain it does.

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Orchestral Works Back in Print
It's good to have this release back in print. Especially at a time when audiences are looking for music by composers of color. Coleridge-Taylor wore music of substance. But he also wrote music that appealed to the ear.

Franz Lachner well served by Evergreen Symphony Orchestra
These may not be evergreen pieces, but in the ESO's care, they sound pretty fresh to me.

Paciorkiewicz Violin Concertos Display Fine Craftsmanship
Paciorkiewicz's music balances tradition and modernism. It's hyperchromatic, mercurial, and yet effectively delivers its emotional content time and again.

Niccolò Zingarelli Symphonies Surprise
Zingarelli the opera composer brings his skill to these instrumental works. The slow movements especially have beautifully crafted melodies.

Michal Bergson Piano Concerto revived
Pianist Jonathan Plowright specializes in the Polish Romantics. He makes this concerto his own.

Ensemble Klingekunst artfully perform Martin Christian Schultze
The Ensemble Klingekunst seem to enjoy playing these works. And perhaps because of that, I enjoyed listening to them.

Benno Ammann - Missa Defensor Pacis blends new and old
Ammann demonstrated that historical tradition and modernity can combine to create something beautiful.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and