Vladigerov Orchestral Works 2 has the good stuff

This installment of Capriccio's reissues features Pancho Vladigerov's shorter orchestral works. It includes the Bulgarian Rhapsody "Varda" -- Vladigerov's most-performed work.

The collection also includes his Seven Symphonic Bulgarian Dances, his Romanian Dances and Symphonic Sketches suites, and the Bulgarian Suite.

In his country, Vladigerov's music is the embodiment of Bulgarian classical music. Capriccio's series is helping the rest of the world discover this national treasure.

The Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra is led by Alexander Vladigerov, the composer's son. The performances are first-rate. There's a sense of national pride that infuses these readings (at least to my ears).

The original recordings were made in the early 1970s. Audio quality isn't the best. The sound is rounded off at the extreme high and low registers, softening its impact. It's not a horrible sound -- just a dated one.

Still, there is simply no other source for this music. And this is music that deserves to be heard.

If you've not listened to Vladigov's music, this set is the best place to start. It includes his best-loved music, and the works most closely associated with Bulgarian culture.

Pancho Vladigerov: Orchestral Works 2
Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra; Alexander Vladigerov, conductor
Capriccio C8053
2 CD Set

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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