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Gija Kancheli's Music Erupts with Elisaveta Blumina
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Gija Kancheli's Music Erupts with Elisaveta Blumina

This release presents some of Kancheli's smaller works. The centerpiece are selections from his 18 Miniatures for Violin and Piano. Also included are four works for chamber orchestra. All seem ready to burst at the seams.

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The Optimism of Hans Winterberg
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

The Optimism of Hans Winterberg

The Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin conducted by Johannes Kalitzke delivers some impressive performances. They sound as if they’ve been playing this music for years.

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Ernst von Dohnanyi Early Concertos Impress
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Ernst von Dohnanyi Early Concertos Impress

Deutsche Staatsphilharmonic Rheinland-Pfalz is directed by Modestas Pitrenas. There are some standout solos by principal players. And the ensemble has a rich, homogeneous blend that well suits this music.

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Zygmunt Stojowski Symphony gets a new recording
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Zygmunt Stojowski Symphony gets a new recording

Antoni Wit leads the Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pflaz in some fine performances. Wit's a champion of Polish music. His direction brings out those elements -- particularly in the Suite.

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and