Singular music from Kalevi Aho

The subtitle for this release is "Seven instrumental solos by the Finnish symphonist." And that's significant. Kalevi Aho seems to naturally think in orchestral terms. To date, he's composed 17 symphonies and almost 40 concertos for a wide variety of instruments. 

That experience comes into play with his series of solos. Aho's collaborated with many performers creating his concertos. 

Those collaborations gave him a deep understanding of what the instruments could do. It also gave him an understanding of what the artist could do, too. 

This release presents five of Aho's solos (works for solo instruments). Some are played by the performer Aho wrote the piece for. A symphonist has many resources to create with. And sometimes interesting tonal color can mask weak ideas or even construction. 

The solos here demonstrate Aho's musical mastery and imagination. Single line instruments, such as the oboe or clarinet lay bare Aho's technique. And it's impressive. 

Each one of these works organically grows from the instruments. The notes, the phrasing, the technical challenges are all unique to the instrument. Every solo has a different character -- as do the instruments. 

I don't know if these works are staples in their respective instrumental repertoires. But they should be. They may be challenging to play, but they're also rewarding to listen to. 

BIS states this is the start of a series. I would very much like to hear all Aho's solos. 

Kalevi Aho - Solo, Volume 1
Sharon Bezaly, flute; Piet Van Bockstal, oboe; Marie-Luise Neunecker, horn; Samuli Peltonen, cello; Simon Reitmaier, clarinet; Hiyoli Togawa, viola;  Bram van Sambeek, bassoon

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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