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Claudio Santoro Sonatas: A Legacy Brought to Life
Alessandro Santoro’s deep understanding of his father’s music is evident. These sonatas demand exceptional skill from the performer, and Alessandro delivers masterfully. His interpretations provide a clear and compelling insight into his father’s artistic vision.

Gould Piano Trio Launches Marschner Series
The Gould Piano Trio performs with warmth and sensitivity. Marschner’s music is expressive yet slightly reserved, and the trio plays as if engaged in conversation, at times making the music feel spontaneous.

Howells and Wood - String Quartets by Puepil and Teacher
The "Englishness" of these pieces comes through without sounding cloying or artificial. Wood and Howells were masters of their craft. And the inherent beauty of these works is what the quartet delivers.

Richard Flury Chamber Music, Vol. 2 - Quartets of Quality
Highly recommended -- along with volume one. I anticipate the remaining volumes will be of the same high quality.

The Estonian Cello Presents Unknown Masterworks
And what a gift to the world. Pianist Sten Lassman and cellist Valle-Rasmus Roots are both Estonian. They both understand the underlying aesthetics of this music. And that understanding illuminates their performances.

Juliana Koch Presents Ruth Gipps at Her Best
Gipps had a rare gift for composition and one that just is now being fully appreciated. If you like English music, this disc is for you.

John Turner: Highways and Byways
The album delivers both in quality and quantity. And yes, Turner's helped me discover some new favorite classical works.

Reissiger Complete Piano Trios, Vol. 1 - a good start
The Trio Anima Mundi delivers some sensitive readings. They keep the music light and transparent.

Nordic Quartet Excells with Gudmundsen-Holmgreen
The Nordic String Quartet performs each work to near perfection.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and