Andrew Waggoner - Quantum Memoir explores connections

This release features three concertos by violinist and composer Andrew Waggoner. These are short works -- the longest runs just 19 minutes. But they're also densely packed.

Waggoner writes in a post-tonal style that can be enjoyed by the casual (albeit adventurous) listener, and those who want music that reveals more with every playing.

The title "Quantum Memoir" refers to the inter-relatedness of these works. They're part of a musical diary that spans several years. In it, Waggoner explores the relationship between the soloist and the ensemble.

Other composers have done this as well. Is it soloist with accompaniment, two equal partners, an ensemble with the featured performer, or something else? Waggoner explores many of these relationships within the same work.

The Concerto for Piano was commissioned by the Seattle Modern Orchestra for Gloria Cheng -- both of who perform it in this recording.

Guitarist Kenneth Meyer and violinist Michael Lim both play the concertos they commissioned from Waggoner. In all three cases, this is music crafted to the strengths of the soloists.

There's a synergy and deep understanding between performers and composer. And that's what makes these performances not only successful but exciting as well.

Andrew Waggoner: Quantum Memoir
Michael Lim, violin; Gloria Cheng, piano; Kenneth Meyer, guitar
Seattle Modern Orchestra, Julia Tai, conductor
Bridge Records

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

Dussek Sonatinas for amateurs and professionals


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