#ClassicsaDay #WeWriteSymphonies Week 1

Last month the Classics a Day team made #BlackLivesMatter the theme. Systemic racism in classical music has limited exposure to composers of color. So for August, the team opened up the focus even further. 

#WeWriteSymphonies is a hashtag used by composers of color, and it seems like a logical extension of #BlackLivesMatter.

For my contributions to the feed, I found examples throughout music history. The problem isn't new. There are talented composers of color underrepresented in every era -- not just in contemporary music.  Here are my #ClassicsaDay posts for the first week of #WeWriteSymphonies

08/03/20 Clarence Cameron White (1880-1960) - Lament, Op 12, No 2 "I am troubled in mind"

White was considered one of the most talented violinists of his day. And he headed the Hampton Institute's music department in the 1930s.

Duo MemDi: Igor Kalnin, violin; Rochelle Sennet, piano https://www.duomemdi.com/ March 16, 2019 Noble Rectal Hall, Luther College, Decorah, IA

08/04/20 Chinary Ung (1942 - ) - Water Rings Overture

Cambodian composer Chinery Ung uses both traditional and Western elements in his music. He currently teaches both compositions and Southeast Asian music studies at UCSD.

Chinary Ung, Water Rings Overture Boston Modern Orchestra Project Gil Rose, conductor Chinary Ung (born November 24, 1942 in Takéo, Cambodia) is a composer c...

08/05/20 Cacilda Borges Barbosa (1914-2010) - Estudo brasileiro No. 1

Barbosa was a Brazilian pianist and composer. She worked with Heitor Villa-Lobos in the 1930s. Many of her works have strong folk elements in them.

Apoie o IPB: https://catarse.me/institutopianobrasileiro Become a backer: https://www.patreon.com/BrazilianPianoInstitute Estudo brasileiro No.1, de Cacilda ...

08/06/20 Blind Tom (1849-1908) - Battle of Manassas

Thomas Wiggins was blind and an autistic savant. Born in slavery, Blind Tom spent most of his career making money for the family that owned him. After the Civil War, the exploitation continued as Wiggins' legal status changed from slave to "ward."

My greatest-grandfather was the first African-American to perform at the White House. Not only was he blind, but he was autistic. He is referenced as the 167...

08/07/20 Silvestre Reveultas (1899-1940) - Sensemayá

"Sensemayá" by Cuban poet Nicolás Guillén describes an Afro-Caribbean ritual. Mexican composer used the poem as the basis for his composition of the same name. This 1937 work became Revueltas' most-performed composition.

Silvestre Revueltas Sánchez (December 31, 1899 - October 5, 1940) was a Mexican composer, violinist and conductor. Sensemayá, R.48, 67 . Tone Poem (1937) The...

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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