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#ClassicsaDay #BlackHistoryMonth Wek 4
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #BlackHistoryMonth Wek 4

This time around, I tried to avoid duplication with previous posts. It was easy to do. There is a lot of classical music by persons of color, both in the past as well as the present. A lot.

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#ClassicsaDay #WeWriteSymphonies Week 1
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #WeWriteSymphonies Week 1

#WeWriteSymphonies is the theme for this month’s #ClassicsaDay. It’s a hashtag used by composers of color, and it seems like a logical extension of #BlackLivesMatter (last month’s theme).

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and