Pietro Antonio Locatelli Op. 7 Concertos make the transition

This release presents the six concertos Pietro Locatelli published as his Opus VII. The year was 1741, and styles were changing. The concerto form of Vivaldi and Corelli were beginning to show their age. Style galant was on the rise. In this collection, Locatelli transitions from his past into his present.

That's not to say these are full-blown empfindsamer Stil works. Locatelli doesn't completely abandon his roots. But there's a lightness here that seems inspired by the galant style.

Natale Arnoldi leads his ensemble in some solid performances. The Ensemble Baroque "Carlo Antonio Marino" has a rich, full sound. The recorded sound has a spacious ambiance to it.

The leisurely decay gives the music some additional volume. I'm used to Baroque instrumental ensembles playing with relatively little reverb. In this case, I found it appealing.

It doesn't obscure Locatelli's lines. I think it's probably closer to what audiences actually heard. As opposed to acoustically dead recording studios.

Did Locatelli succeed in transitioning? Not entirely. But he did create some works of exceptional beauty and craftsmanship. I enjoyed this release immensely.

Pietro Antonio Locatelli: Sei concerti a quatrro opera VII
Ensemble Baroque "Carlo Antonio Marino;" Natale Arnoldi, conductor

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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