Aurelio Barrios y Morales let down by performers

If you're familiar with my writing, you know I give mostly positive reviews. Mostly. I want to support the artists and labels willing to go beyond the same old-same old.

But in this case, I have ambivalent feelings. The Mexican composer Aurelio Barrios y Morales was rescued from obscurity. Sterling consistently releases recordings that add to the richness of the repertoire.

But in this case, the end result didn't deliver -- at least for me. My issue is with the ensemble. I heard major problems with the recorded performances.

There were some serious intonation issues in the strings. This was especially true in the Sinfonia. The horns also sounded weak, and sometimes a little wobbly.

I feel for the producer. These were live performances. So if the ensemble is having an off night (or two), there aren't many options for editing.

And this music is important to hear.

Barrios was an exceptional talent. His fugue is a masterwork -- as one would expect from an organist. And the sinfonia is a well-crafted post-romantic gem.

Barrios adeptly combined Mexican folk traditions with classical forms. Barrios' music has a unique sound that celebrates his heritage without being bound by it.

If you want to explore the music of Barrios -- and you should -- this release is a must. But if you're like me, you'll have to listen past the performances.

Aurelio Barrios y Morales
Antologia de su obra sonfonica
Orquesta Sinfónica de Coyoacán Nueva Era, A.C.; Rodrigo Elorduy, conductor
Sterling CDS 1114-2

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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#ClassicsaDay #BlackHistoryMonth 2022 Week 2