Alban Beikircher excites with Wolf-Ferrari Violin Concerto

Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari is best remembered for his comic operas. But he was also a talented instrumental composer. And he used his melodic gifts quite effectively. This release features one of his instrumental "hits" and two more that should be.

In the early 20th Century, Wolf-Ferrari was known for his comic operas, such as "Il segreto di Susanna." Two years after "Il segreto" premiered he composed a verismo opera. "I gioielli della Madonna" was also a smash, especially the orchestral suite he pulled from it.

This is an opera with big emotions and drama ratcheted up to the highest levels. Chuhei Iwasaki and the Philharmonie Pilsen give it an energetic reading. The ensemble delivers the over-the-top climaxes with a swaggering insolence.

"I gioielli della Madonna"  fell out of favor after WWI. But it's easy to hear why this suite remained in the repertoire (albeit not at the core).

The Divertimento in D major is light-hearted fare. It has some ravishing melodies in the middle section that are there simply to be enjoyed. Which I did.

Violinist Alban Beikircher gives a fine performance in Wolf-Ferrari's Violin Concerto. Melody is foremost, and Beikircher plays with sensitivity and empathy.

My impression is that this concerto isn't the most technically difficult. Its challenges lie in the musicianship of the soloist. Beikircher makes his instrument sing.

And for music written by a master opera composer, that's the best way to perform it.

If you only know Wolf-Ferrari's handful of hits, give this a listen. It won't disappoint.

Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari
Violin Concerto Op. 26; Divertimento, Op. 20; I gioielli della Madona
Alban Beikircher, violin
Philharmonie Pilsen; Chuhei Iwasaki, conductor
Ars Produktion

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalSummer Week 4, 2021


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