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#ClassicsaDay #BlackHistoryMonth Week 2, 2025
February is Black History Month and a logical time to highlight contributions by people of color to classical music. Those contributions have been significant -- and not just in the past 50 years.

Ch’amore me prese: Medieval Love Songs Reimagined
If early music is your thing, this is a fine album to add to your collection. But even if you’re not, this music is both calming and engaging. It takes you to a time and place far away. And it’s music that can easily be enjoyed with modern ears.

Johann Friedrich Fasch: Orchestral Gems from Tempesta di Mare
This is an outstanding recording and a remarkable series. I highly recommend all four volumes to anyone interested in Baroque music or in tracing the roots of the Classical era. It’s all here.

Stereo: Accidents and Experiments I
This program of “Analog Masters” explores the early days of stereo recording.

#ClassicsaDay #BlackHistoryMonth Week 1 2025
This month's #ClassicsaDay challenge is to post musical examples of works by composers of color, or classical music recordings made by people of color. There is a lot to choose from.

Music of Resistance Part 1
We hear the Symphony and Karl Amadeus Hartmann's heart-wrenching 1939 Violin Concerto on the first program in an occasional series devoted to Music of Defiance.

Silvestrov: Recent Commissions
Monday, February 6, airs the final episode of the series, “Valentin Silvestrov: A Composer’s Journey.” This installment presents Silvestrov’s works — and journey since 2015.

#ClassicsaDay #Classical1925 Week 5
For January 2025 the Classics a Day team challenges you to look back a century. The "modern" era of music was well underway in 1925. Some of the works composed still shock audiences today.

Bruckner: From the Archives, Vol. 6
No matter how many Bruckner recordings you own, this series should be in your collection. There are some truly insightful performances here. And a few that made me hear these very familiar works in new ways.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and