#ClassicsaDay #PoetryMonth 2022 Week 3

What's the connection between classical music and poetry? To celebrate Poetry Month, the Classics a Day team encouraged folks to find out. For the month of April, the challenge is to post poetry used in classical music or works inspired by poetry.

Here are my posts for the third week of #PoetryMonth

4/18/22 Igor Stravinsky - Three Songs from William Shakespeare

Stravinsky set three Shakespeare poems in 1953 using a serial technique. The music cycles through a set of notes in order. The first song only uses four notes.

4/19/22 Arthur Sullivan - Incidental Music to Shakespeare's Henry VIII

Gilbert and Sullivan may have been the rage, but Arthur Sullivan wrote music for "serious" theater and operas. His music for this Shakespearean play was first published in 1877.

4/20/22 Zdenek Fibich - Othello, Symphonic Poem after Shakespeare, Op. 6

Bedřich Smetana conducted the premiere of this work in 1873. The tone poem focuses on the play's three main characters -- Othello, Desdemona, and Iago.

4/21/22 Alexander Lokshin - Symphony No. 5, "Shakespeare's Sonnets"

Lokshin composed his "symphony with a voice" in 1969. The sonnets were translated into Russian by Boris Pasternak, author of "Doctor Zhivago.”

4/22/22 Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco - Shakespeare Sonnets, Op. 125

Castelnuovo-Tedesco considered Shakespeare's poetry "perfectly musical: it unites the spiritual subtlety of English with the sonorous splendour of Italian."

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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