Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came out to the WTJU Town Hall meeting this past Monday. I was afraid that we would have an empty room with 20 people scattered about. Instead, approximately 250 volunteers and listeners crammed the hall and flowed out into the lobby. Such a public show of support impressed the decision-makers, I think. And at the very least it made me feel very grateful and humble.

I'm grateful that there are folks who care as deeply about the music we play as our volunteer announcers. Grateful that so many would show up on a miserable, rainy evening to show their support. Radio listening is a very passive activity -- we're grateful you share our passion.

I'm humbled by the thought that so many care. As you can imagine, doing "Gamut" every week for the past 19 years has led to a little bit of complacency. There have been times when I've not been at the top of my game when I didn't choose the music as carefully as I could have. I've sometimes forgotten what a privilege it's been to serve this audience without the constraints my colleagues at other classical-format stations face.

But this station isn't about me -- it's about you, the listener. All those who showed up to the Town Hall meeting demonstrated how strong their connection to the music we present is. And because of their action, I promise to redouble my effort to make every minute of "Gamut" worthy of your attention.

The station will still be changing soon, and listener input will play a role in the direction of that change. Those who showed up at the meeting did more than their part -- but even if you could not attend, you can still make your voice heard.

Visit or call 434-971-8678 to leave your comments on how you think WTJU can improve to meet its newest challenges.

In the meantime, we'll just keep doing what we do best -- providing you with the best classical, jazz, rock, folk, and world music we can find. Music that's we hope you'll continue to love it as much as we do.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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