L'Orfeo Bläserensemble continue to please with Telemann

It's been two years since the release of volume one. And, I think, worth the wait. L'Orfeo Bläserensemble presents three more Georg Philipp Telemann written for winds.

What I like best about this series is the sound of the ensemble. L'Orfeo Bläserensemble performs with period instruments. The result is a much warmer sound than that of a modern wind ensemble. 

And the basso continuo is ever-present, although not as prominent as it is in other ensembles. The ensemble uses a bassoon for the bass line, and alternatively a lute and a harpsichord for the harmonies. The harpsichord is buried deep in the mix, softening the edge of the instrument's sound.

The bulk of the melodies are performed with natural horns and baroque oboes. These two groups of instruments contrast nicely while maintaining the warmth I mentioned earlier.

The Baroque wind ensemble has a unique sound I quite enjoy. And perhaps you will, too. If you do, pick up Volume One as well. It's equally good.

Georg Philipp Telemann: Wind Overtures, Vol. 2
L'Orfeo Bläserensemble; Carin van Heerden, conductor
CPO 555212-2

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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