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Host profile: Matt Fritts
host profile WTJU Radio host profile WTJU Radio

Host profile: Matt Fritts

Matt Fritts works to advance wellness. At UVA, he works in Employee Well-Being. As a volunteer announcer at WTJU, he wants to share how music can relax the body, expand the mind, and uplift the soul. Read more about Matt, host of WTJU's Piano Forte.

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Host profile: Michael Latsko
host profile WTJU Radio host profile WTJU Radio

Host profile: Michael Latsko

“If you could interview anyone on air, dead or alive, who would it be? Johann Sebastian Bach — he composed the best music for the instrument.”

Read more about Michael Latsko, who features the best in recorded music for pipe organ and choirs on WTJU’s King of Instruments.

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Host profile: Sandy Snyder
host profile WTJU Radio host profile WTJU Radio

Host profile: Sandy Snyder

“While subbing for First Light during this pandemic, I got regular calls from a listener trapped in Colombia, South America because of the virus and felt like the station was a lifeline for him.”

Read more about Sandy Snyder, host of WTJU’s Early Music Show.

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and