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African Pianism Volume 2: Still much to explore
There's a lot to explore. Africa is a large continent with many cultures and many musical traditions.

The Highly Personal Preludes and Fugues of Matt Dibble
Dibble chose wisely. Freddy Kempf delivers 24 superb performances. He easily adapts to the style of each piece.

By Women: Works by Armenian Women Composers
Sahan Arzruni is both the producer and performer for this recording. This is his project and his emotional investment shows. His goal is to give these works their best possible performances, and he succeeds.

David Johnson Piano Music: Unfamiliar and Appealing
This is a fascinating collection of pieces. Some are quite simple. Others sound challenging to play. Johnson writes in a primarily tonal style. But that doesn't limit him to simple harmonies.

Amazing Miniatures by Janis Kepitis Ripe for Discovery
Nora Luse plays with sympathy and enthusiasm. These may be small pieces, but she takes them seriously. And in the process reveals some marvelous miniatures of beauty

Marc Ponthus’ Masterful Beethoven and Stockhausen
Ponthus is in control. He knows the function of every note, and how it fits into the structure of the work. With repeated listening, I began to hear hints of that structure, too.

Hyacinthe Jadin Piano Sonatas Build on Haydn
Toporowski plays these works with great refinement. He shapes the phrases with subtilty. And his technical skills make even the most complex runs sound simple and elegant.

Charles Villers Stanford Children's Songs Charm
If you're just discovering Stanford, I wouldn't recommend starting here. But if you already know him through his sacred works, then add this to your collection.

Mengyiuyi Chen Performs Mel Bonis with Subtlety
Pianist Mengyiuyi Chen performs admirably. Bonis requires a certain degree of subtlety, and Chen has it. Phrasing is often nuanced rather than fully articulated. Her use of the pedal is strategic and effective.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and