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#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalHumor Week 3
But Schickle wsn't the first composer to have some fun with "serious" music. The challenge this month is to post examples of musical humor in classical works.

#ClassicsaDay Classical1924 Week 3
For the first month of the new year, the Classics a Day team looks back a century. So the challenge for January 2024 is to post performances of classical works that were either composed, premiered, or first recorded in 1924.

#ClassicsaDay #Classical1923 Week 4
1923 was a pivotal year in classical music. As I soon discovered when I began my research.

#ClassicsaDay #Classical1922 Week 4
It turns out that 1922 was quite an eventful year! Here are my posts for the fourth and final week of #ClassicsaDay #Classical1922.

Sharon Kam presents three facets of Hindemith
The two things I like best about this release are 1) Sharon Kam's playing, and 2) the program.

#ClassicsaDay #November11 Weeks 4 & 5
The challenge is to post works that are numbered 11 in some fashion, either an opus number, a series number, or even a suite number.

Filippo Farinelli steers Hindemith Sonatas for Wind Instruments and Piano project
Filippo Farinelli and his colleagues are all fine performers. These are top-notch readings for these sonatas.

#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalChristmas Week 5
For the past four years, the #ClassicsaDay team has adopted Classical Christmas as its theme for December. And why not? We have a rich body of music related to the season dating back to the Middle Ages. A good deal of it is religious, but not all -- many works are simply inspired by the time of year.

#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalBubble Week 4

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and