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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

Canadian Soundscapes Resonate In Any Country
WTJU Radio WTJU Radio

Canadian Soundscapes Resonate In Any Country

This is a strong program, with good performances. And it's a fine example of the great classical music being created to the north of us. Give this release a listen, and discover what we've all been missing.

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Walter Ross: Through the Reeds
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Walter Ross: Through the Reeds

On Walter Ross' website, it says "he likes to write music that musicians enjoy performing and audiences enjoy hearing." That claim is ably supported by the works on this new release from Ravello.

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and