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Santoro Symphonies Revel in Brazilian Sound
I recommend this release to anyone not familiar with Santoro. These works illustrate the essence of his style. That style evolved. But his Brazilian heritage can be most clearly heard in these works. Looking forward to volume five!

Francisco Mignone: Concertos and Concertinos
The São Paulo Symphony Orchestra has been a mainstay for this series. And they don't disappoint. The ensemble plays with energy and finesse.

Cesar Guerra-Peiza: More Brazilian Treasures
Goias Philharmonic Orchestra; Neil Thomson, conductor delivers some inspired performances here.

Claudio Santoro Symphonies Break with Symphonic Form
The Goiás Philharmonic Orchestra and conductor Neil Thomson deliver some invested performances. I suspect many of these musicians played under Santoro in other orchestras.

The Goiás Philharmonic Orchestra knows this material well. Not only is Guerra-Peixe frequently performed by Brazilian orchestras. And the players know the folk traditions behind Guerra-Peixe’s music.

Naxos launches Claudio Santoro Symphonic Series
Classical music can be a universal language. And one that can be adapted to the aesthetics of virtually any culture. Santoro demonstrates that with these two works. And I'm sure they're not isolated examples, either. This is a series I'm eager to follow.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and