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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

Gustov Hoyer: Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Gustav Hoyer's "Rime of the Ancient Marriner" works on two levels. And that's a remarkable feat.

Hilary Tann Sacred Choral Music a Fine Tribute
Tann is woefully under-represented by recordings. This is an important addition to her catalog.

Collected Works of Beth Mehocic Rocks
Mehocic's compositions are music in motion. And I was glad to go along for the ride.

Newberry Consort enlivens Mexican Christmas
This is one of the most imaginative and entertaining early music Christmas albums I've heard.

Mexican Baroque masterworks by Juan De Lienas
The Newberry Consort's performances are first-rate. The vocal blend has an ethereal quality to it, enhanced by just the right amount of ambient reverb. This is music of uncommon beauty.

No Madness in Method Music of Lawrence Ball
Although I couldn’t say exactly what Method Music was, I could decidedly hear it at work.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and