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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

Ambitious Oratorios from Georg Philipp Telemann
Michael Alexander Willens and the Kölner Akademie are among the premier practitioners of high German Baroque choral music. Their performances here are fluid and supple.

Johann Wilms Piano Concertos Rescued from Obscurity
Wilms' music is well-crafted. And these concertos are certainly undeserving of the obscurity they were consigned to.

Kölner Akademie's Telemann Easter Cantatas Highly Recommended
The musicianship is superb. Willens' direction brings out the individual characters of each cantata.

Le jour variable -- Stamitz anticipates Beethoven
If you're not familiar with Stamitz, start here. And discover that the 1790s talent pool extended beyond Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and