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#ClassicsaDay #Summerof78s Week 4
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #Summerof78s Week 4

The Classics a Day team declares July the Summer of 78. Or rather, the summer of 78s. For July, post recordings that were originally issued on 78 rpm discs.

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#ClassicsaDay #November11 Week 3
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #November11 Week 3

The challenge is to post works that are numbered 11 in some fashion, either an opus number, a series number, or even a suite number.

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#ClassicsaDay #SchumannsCircle
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #SchumannsCircle

The theme for June is Schumann and his circle. During the month, you're encouraged to share works written by Schumann, his friends, his colleagues, his rivals -- and of course, his wife.

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#ClassicsaDay #SchumannsCircle 2021 Week 1
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #SchumannsCircle 2021 Week 1

The Classics a Day team honors Robert Schumann's birthday (June 8, 1810). During the month, you're encouraged to share works written by Schumann, his friends, his colleagues, his rivals -- and of course, his wife.

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#ClassicsaDay #Stokowski Week 1
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #Stokowski Week 1

To share all of Stokowski's recordings and arrangements would take far longer than a month. But that means there's quite a lot to choose from for April!

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and