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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

#ClassicsaDay #Strings Week 1
The #ClassicsaDay challenge for this month is to post examples of string orchestra works. No brass, winds, or percussion allowed!

Koussevitzky@150: Koussevitzy’s Sibelius
In this episode Koussevitzy’s recordings are featured, both with the Boston Symphony and the BBC Symphony.

#ClassicsaDay #Classical1924 Week 1
The challenge for January 2024 is to post performances of classical works that were either composed, premiered, or first recorded in 1924.

#ClassicsaDay #Classical1923 Week 3
For the month of January, the challenge is to post classical works associated with 1923. They can be pieces composed in that year, premiered in that year, or received their first recording in that year.

WorldView Episode 08: Jean Sibelius

#ClassicsaDay #Stokowski Week 3
To share all of Stokowski's recordings and arrangements would take far longer than a month. But that means there's quite a lot to choose from for April!

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and