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#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalAugust Week 2
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalAugust Week 2

For August, the Classics a Day team chose to celebrate some birthdays. Several major composers were born in August, and some deserve rediscovery. The challenge is to post videos of August's birthday boys and girls to your social media feed.

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Clemencic Consort excite with Fux and Biber
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Clemencic Consort excite with Fux and Biber

Rene Clemencic and his consort were first and foremost about the performances. Their scholarly research was solid, but they aimed to make the music come alive. This release is but a sampling of their success.

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and