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Gerard Schurmann: From Film to Concert Hall
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Gerard Schurmann: From Film to Concert Hall

Some film composers run out of steam trying to write music longer than a few minutes. Not Schurmann. These large-scale works are well-constructed and beautifully orchestrated. As one might expect.

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Bacewicz, Ysaye, Enescu: Music for Strings
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Bacewicz, Ysaye, Enescu: Music for Strings

That three-dimensional sound stage really makes these works come alive. It also highlights the interplay between instruments, something key to all three works.

Top-flight recording, and top-flight performances.

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Airat Ichmouratov Symphony a tonal masterwork
Ralph Graves Ralph Graves

Airat Ichmouratov Symphony a tonal masterwork

L'Orchestre de la Francophonie has a good recorded sound. The ensemble blend is quite pleasing, and the soloists performed with exceptional musicality. An album of exceptional music, and one I'll be sharing with my anti-modernist friends.

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We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and