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Charlottesville Classical is a service of WTJU 91.1 FM and the University of Virginia. See the full program schedule. Questions? Streaming problems? Please email

Carlo Vistoli Delivers Strong Performances of Vivaldi
Carlo Vistoli has a remarkably strong voice. His phrasing is smooth, and his vocal ornamentations sound natural and unforced. His performances were real pleasures to listen to.

A Fresh Look at Vivaldi Concertos
This is an extraordinary collection of music. Théotime Langlois de Swarte is a superb musician; as a performer, as a conductor, and as the curator for this program. Highly recommended.

Fresh Sound for Vivaldi Bassoon Concertos
Mauro Monguzzi is off to a good start with this volume. He plays with a rich, full sound. And his bassoon can nimbly dance up and down the instrument's range when needed.

#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalChristmas Week 3
For the past four years, the #ClassicsaDay team has adopted Classical Christmas as its theme for December. And why not? We have a rich body of music related to the season dating back to the Middle Ages.

Per la Notte di Natale - superb Christmas concertos
These are excellent performances. So even if you're not especially interested in Christmas music, you can enjoy these Baroque concertos any time of year.

Vivaldi - Return of Angels

We are grateful for the generosity of the Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation and UVA Arts Council, supporting WTJU and