Singer Pur Excels with Ludwig Senfl

This latest release from Singer Pur features music by Ludwig Senfl. The vocal ensemble blends five male voices with a soprano. It gives Senfl's music a brightness I'm not used to hearing -- but I like very much.

Ludwig Senfl studied with Heinrich Isaac and was active in the early 1500s. He was music director for the Holy Roman Emporer, Maximilian I. As such, Senfl greatly influenced music in Germany.

Senfl wrote in the rich, polyphonic style of Josquin des Prez. Unlike des Prez, his melodaies are more clear-cut and easier to follow. Every voice has its own line to sing. But often the parts align, moving from polyphony to homophony (albeit briefly).

Singer Pur delivers some luminous performances. Their vocal blend is flawless, making each piece a work of beauty. An excellent addition to Singer Pur's extensive catalog. And some fine music from Renaissance master.

Ludwig Senfl
Singer Pur; Ensemble Leones
OEHMS Classics

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

#ClassicsaDay #FunintheSun Week 5


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