Johann Joachim Quantz Trio Sonatas Show Versatility

Johann Joachim Quantz is best remembered for his flute concertos. After all, he wrote over 300 of them for his employer, Frederick the Great. Quantz's job was keeping Frederick, an enthusiastic amateur flutist, supplied with music. But he wrote in other forms, too 

This release presents six of his trio sonatas. What exactly a trio sonata was depended on the players. Composers wrote these works for two treble clef instruments plus basso continuo. 

The lead instruments could be violins, transverse flutes, oboes, or recorders. Or any pairing of them. The basso continuo could be as simple as a cello outlining the bass. Or it could have a keyboard or fretted stringed instrument to fill out the harmony. 

The Ensemble Labrinto Armonico has chosen an appealing blend of instruments. The melodic lines are played with a recorder and baroque violin. The recorder takes the first part. 

The basso continuo features a baroque cello. Both harpsichord and archlute provide the underlying harmonies. Good choices.

The sound is richly layered. Nicely filled-out harmonies support the melodies. And the difference in timbre between the recorder and violin enhances the contrast. It's easy to hear the clever interplay Quantz writes for the two solo instruments. 

Well-recorded and well-performed.

Johann Joachim Quantz: Trio Sonatas
Ensemble Labirinto Armonico
Dynamic CDS7957

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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