New Purcell by Harry Christophers and The Sixteen most welcome

Bottom line. If you enjoyed Volumes One and Two, you'll find Volume Three of equal quality. Also, if you've enjoyed any of the Sixteen's previous Purcell releases on Coro, you'll definitely want to add this one to your library.

If the previous paragraph doesn't apply to you, read on. Harry Christophers and The Sixteen have produced over 90 outstanding recordings, specializing in (but not limited to) English Renaissance and Baroque polyphony.

Their series of Royal Welcome Songs features a varied program of music. As in this release, the program includes works Purcell wrote specifically for King Charles II, either for performance in his court or his chapel.

It also includes some of Purcell's songs, canons, and rounds that would have been sung in more informal gatherings. Throughout it, all run two common elements.

First is the quality and inventiveness of Purcell's music. From his anthem "Rejoice in the Lord" to ditties like "Sir Barnaby Whigg," Purcell's talent is patent.

And second is the quality of the performances. Harry Christophers (as always) gathers a first-rate group of singers and instrumentalists to bring this music to life.

Not only do I recommend this release to anyone interested in early music, but I also encourage you the check out the other two volumes. They're all that good.

Henry Purcell: Royal Welcome Songs from King Charles II, Volume III
Harry Christophers and The Sixteen
Coro COR16182

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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