WorldView Episode 53: Celebrating One Year of WorldView (Part I)!

Welcome to the fifty-third episode of WorldView, brought to you on from WTJU! This episode marks the end of one whole year of WorldView broadcasts by sharing statistics and facts about show, as well as featuring some of the amazing artists heard on the show in the past year. I’m incredibly grateful to all of you for your continued support of WorldView, and I look forward to producing more episodes in the future! 

Rather than a traditional blog post, I’ve decided to include some of the statistics I mention in the episode, as well as a shorter blurb about one of the composers featured in this episode. You can visit my previously written blog posts about Amy Beach and Ravi Shankar on Charlottesville Classical. Enjoy!

WorldView Show Statistics:

  • Episodes Aired: 52 (4 specialty shows)

  • Composers Played: 189 (49 women, 140 men)

  • Countries Represented: 30 (6 continents) 

  • Charlottesville Classical Posts: 52 (62 composers; 21 women, 43 men) 

  • Average Number of Composers per Episode: 3.94

  • Most Represented Instrument: Piano (62 appearances) 

In this Episode: Mozart Camargo Guarnieri was born in São Paolo, Brazil, in 1907.  He studied piano with various private instructors and at music institutions in his home town. As his career progressed, Guarnieri felt that his first name unfairly characterized his works; for the rest of his life, he signed his name as M. Camargo Guarnieri. During his professional career, he served as both the conductor of the São Paolo orchestra and the director of the São Paolo Conservatório while actively composing two operas and over six hundred musical works. Today, he is considered one of the most important Brazilian composers of all time. In this episode, pianist Jose Martins performs Guarnieri’s “Improviso No. 2”, an homage to fellow Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos. Enjoy!

WorldView Episode Fifty-Three Playlist:

Percy GRAINGER, “To a Nordic Princess”, {Martin Jones (pf)} - Nimbus Records

Amy BEACH, “Piano Concerto in C Sharp Minor, Op. 45”, {Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Shermerhorn, Alan Feinberg (pf)} - Naxos

Ravi SHANKAR, “Raga Piloo: Aochar”, {Daniel Hope (vn), Guarav Mazumdar (sitar), Asok Chakrabory (tabla), Gilda Sebastion (tanpura)} - Warner Classics

M. Camargo GUARNIERI, “Improviso No. 2 (homenagen a Villa-Lobos)”, {Jose Martins (pf)} - Labor Records

WorldView is a classical music radio show featuring composers from everywhere in the world - except Western Europe. Tune in to hear works by lesser-known artists such as Nancy Dalberg and Isang Yun, and widen your knowledge of classical music. Hinke Younger hosts each week’s episode of WorldView on Mondays at 9AM and 6PM (with a rebroadcast Saturdays at 2PM) on


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