#ClassicsaDay #OddballConcerto Week 2

June is National Accordion Awareness Month. The Classics a Day team decided to take it a step further with this month's challenge. You can help promote Accordion Concerto Awareness! For the month of June, post video performances of accordion concertos. There are more than you might think.

Does that seem a little restrictive? Then feel free to post a concerto composed for any other non-standard instrument. 

Personally, I decided to do a mix of instruments. Here are my selections for the second week of #OddballConcerto. 

06/12/23 Nikolai Chaikin: Accordion Concerto no. 1 in Bb Major

This Ukrainian composer wrote a number of works for the bayan. This Russian version of the accordion differs from the Western in a number of ways. Nevertheless, Chaikin's music can be played on both types of instruments.

06/13/23 Eric Ewazen: Concerto for Marimba and String Orchestra

American composer Ewazen wrote this concerto in 1999. It's representative of his accessible, tonal style of composition.

06/14/23 Lou Harrison: Concerto for Pipa and Orchestra

Harrison composed the concerto for Wu Man, who performs it in this video. It was premiered in 1997 and was the last major work completed by Harrison. 

06/15/23 Michael Spivakovsky: Concerto for Harmonica and Orchestra

Tommy Reilly was a harmonica player who pushed the limits of the instrument. He commissioned over 30 classical works for his instrument, including this 1951 concerto.

06/16/23 Ralph Vaughan Williams: Concerto for Bass Tuba

RVW wrote the concerto in 1954 for Philip Catelinet, a tubist with the London Symphony Orchestra. It's become one of the most popular concertos for the instrument.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


#ClassicsaDay #OddballConcerto Week 3


#ClassicsaDay #OddballConcerto Week 1