#ClassicsaDay #NAFTAclassics 2021 Week 2

The Classics a Day team once again made NAFTA Classics the theme for July. Two of the three countries in North America have significant holidays in the month -- Canada Day (July 1), and Independence Day (July 4).

As always with this theme, I simply alternated between Canadian, American, and Mexican composers. And the process discovered a lot of great classical music north and south of the border.

Here are my #ClassicsaDay posts for the second week of #NAFTAclassics.

07/12/21 Francisco López Capillas (Mexico c. 1615 – 1673) - Magnificat

Capillas was born in Mexico City. He was the chapelmaster of its cathedral and is credited with writing the most masses during the Baroque era in Mexico.

07/13/21 Horatio Parker (US 1863-1919) Suite for Piano Trio in A

In his day Parker was a respected composer and organist. His opera "Mona" was designated the best composition of 1911 and performed at the Met. Parker wrote the suite in his late twenties, although not published until a decade later.

07/14/21 Stephen Codman (Canada c. 1796–1852) The Fairy Song

Codman emigrated from England in 1816 to be the organist t Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral in Quebec City, a post he held for life. The Fairy Song is one of the earliest published Canadian music.

07/15/21 Cenobio Paniagua (Mexico, 1821–1882) - String Quartet No. 1

Paniagua founded a music academy in Mexico City. He composed the first Mexican opera seria, as well as over 70 masses.

07/16/21 Daniel Gregory Mason (1873-1953) Symphony No. 3 "Lincoln" Op. 35

Mason studied with members of the Boston Six, as well as Vincent D'Indy. He worked to increase the stature of American music, often incorporating American folk music or themes into his work.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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