#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalTimeMachine Week 4

For the month of October, the Classics a Day team turned nostalgic. Classical musicians have been making recordings since the 1890s. So we all have over 130 years of documented performance practices. And we can judge first-hand the artistry of legendary performers.

The challenge is to post classical recordings made before 1949 (pre-LP era). Here are my posts for the fourth and final week of the #ClassicsaDay theme #ClassicalTimeMachine.

10/26/20 Britten Mazurka Elegiaca (1944)

Britten wrote this two-piano piece in memory of Igance Paderewski in 1941. Clifford Curzon invited Britten recorded the work with him for Decca in 1944.

10/27/20 Scriabin Sonata No. 4 (1939)

Russian pianist and composer Samuil Feinberg was considered Scriabin's musical heir. He was one of the first to perform all of Scriabin's sonatas. He recorded this sonata for Melodiya right before the war.

Mozart Violin Concerto No. 3 (1934)

Violinist Bronislaw Huberman recorded this work with Issay Dobroven and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. He provided his own cadenzas and decidedly unhistoric interpretations.

10/29/20 Grieg Wedding Day at Troldhaugen (1906)

Edvard Grieg made several piano rolls of his piano music for the Welte-Mignon player pianos. Their sophisticated system recorded differences in pedaling and phrasing.

10/30/20 Schubert Death and the Maiden (1928)

The Gewandhaus Quartet is comprised of members of the Gewandhaus Orchestra. It was founded in 1808, the earliest professional string quartet.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


Classical Interviews – Christina DeMarea


Manfred Honeck and Pittsburgh Symphony's sterling Bruckner 9