#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalFam Week 1

November means Thanksgiving when families gather together. The Classics a Day team decided to make families the theme. For the month of November, the challenge is to post video performances of musical family members. Post on any social media channel you like. 

What constitutes a musical family? Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn (brother and sister) both composed. As did many in the Bach family tree. 

For my part, I decided to follow the family connections from post to post. Here are my posts for the first week of #ClassicalFam.

11/01/23 Hendrik Andriessen (1892-1981): Ricecare (1949)

Andriessen was a Dutch composer and organist. His brother Wilhelm was also a composer, as were Hendrik's two sons, Louis and Jurriaan.

11/02/23 Jurriaan Andriessen (1925-1996): Music for an Imaginary Play (1987)

This Dutch composer had several relatives who also composed: his father Hendrick, his uncle Wilhelm, and his younger brother Louis.

11/03/23 Louis Andriessen (1939-2021): Tapdance - Percussion Concerto (2013)

This Dutch composer pianist was brother to composer Jurriaan Andriessen. Both his father (Hendrik) and uncle (Wilhelm) were also important composers.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


#ClassicsaDay #ClassicalFam Week 2


David Biedenbender Chamber Music Impresses