#ClassicsaDay #Classical1921 Week 1

What better way to celebrate a new year than with a look back? In this case, the Classics a Day team decided to go back 100 years. For January 2021 the challenge is to post works that were completed in or recordings released in 1921.

It turns out there was quite a lot going on that year. Here are my #ClassicsaDay posts for the first week of #Classical1921

01/04/21 Sergei Rachmaninoff - Prelude in C-sharp minor

The prelude was part of a set of five Morceaux de fantesie, published in 1892. This 1921 RCA acoustic release is the second of three recordings Rachmaninoff made of the piece.

01/05/21 Nikolai Medtner - 3 Tales, Op. 42

Medtner wrote many Sakzki (Fairy Tales) over the years. He began his Op. 42 set in 1921, completing it three years later.

01/06/21 Charles Villiers Stanford - Concert Piece for Organ and Orchestra

Stanford began his career as an organist in the late 1880s. This 1921 work, written three years before his death, harkens back to that earlier time.

01/07/21 Aaron Copland - Three moods

Copland wrote this when he was 21, in 1920-21. Originally there were four short pieces in this set. After much revision, only three remained.

01/08/21 Theodor W. Adorno: Piano piece

Adorno was best known as a philosopher and sociologist. He was an ardent student of Schoenberg, and his works follow strict serial composition techniques. His piano piece was completed in 1921.

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.


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