Christoph Graupner Bassoon Cantatas - more than making do

When a composer is as prolific as Christoph Graupner, there are many ways to create a musical program. An album of bassoon cantatas may seem obscure. But with over 1,400 Graupner cantatas to choose from, there were plenty of choices.

A virtuoso bassoonist, Johann Christian Klotsch.. was hired for the Darmstadt court in 1736. Graupner immediately put him to use. In 1741 alone he wrote 16 cantatas with concertante bassoon parts. 

This album presents six cantatas written for Klotsch's talents, spanning a 12-year period. 

The timbre of the instrument gives these cantatas warmth and intimacy. Sergio Azzolini plays in a smooth lyrical manner. He mirrors the vocalists' delivery, bringing out the connections between the two parts. 

If you're familiar with the Baroque cantata genre, give these works a listen. Using the bassoon instead of the violin as the concertante instrument gives these cantatas a different character. 

And if you're not familiar with Baroque cantatas, check out this release anyway. Graupner was a skilled composer and these cantatas are just beautiful works to hear.

Christoph Graupner: Jaucjzet, ihr Himmel, freue dich, Erde
Bassoon Cantatas
Sergio Azzolini, Fagotto
Monika Mauch, soprano; Franz Vitzthum, alto; Georg Poplutz, tenor; Dominik Wörner, Bass
Kirchheimer BachConsort; Florian Heyerick, conductor
CPO 555 353
2 CD Set

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

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