All The Great Operas in 10 Minutes

Yesterday's post was a serious, thoughtful look at one of Wagner's less-known operas. Today's post takes a different tack

Toronto animator Kim Thompson created a short video that gives capsule plot summaries of some of the repertoire standards -- including the Ring Cycle! It's fast, fun, and whether you're into opera or not, pretty darned entertaining.

And she's right. The music's pretty good, too.

As we demonstrate at least twice a week with Ann Shaffer's Tuesday evening program "A Time for Singing," and our Sunday Opera Matinee. Now that you know the stories, check out the music!

Ralph Graves

Ralph has been a classical music programmer and host at WTJU since 1982. He’s also a published author and composer. Ralph’s music is available on Fleur de Sol and ERM Recordings and Soundcloud.

WTJU Classical - Going Off the Charts


Rienzi in Berlin